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Fostering a Brighter Tomorrow, One Child at a Time

children paintingDefinitely Learning Infant Center & Preschool offers programs for different age groups. We have planned developmentally appropriate activities for each program.

  • Infant
  • Toddler
  • Preschool
  • Prekindergarten
  • Kindergarten


Each classroom at Definitely Learning Infant Center & Preschool has planned activities geared to the interest and age level of that particular group of children. Learning activities are balanced between teacher-directed activities and child-initiated activities. The daily schedule is posted in each classroom to inform parents of current learning themes and activities. Your child will be exposed to the following areas:

Physical Development – Toys and playground equipment are used to develop muscular coordination and control of both large and small motor skills.

Art – Includes easel and finger painting, clay, play dough, crayons, felt pens, chalk, paper, glue, scissors, collage and constructions to stimulate the child’s imagination and help him/her express his/her feelings and ideas through artistic activities.

Music and Dramatics – Music appreciation is developed through listening to tapes, CD’s, musical games, rhythm instruments and group singing.

Science – Our science program is an active and on-going program that uses magnets, magnifying lenses, measuring, plant and animal life, nature and sensory materials which enhance the curriculum.

Games – Manipulating, problem-solving, matching, sorting, shape and color discrimination, and counting materials of varying degrees of difficulty offer opportunity for decision-making, free choice of working alone, or interrelating with other children.

Library – Books are available to the children to enrich their experiences and interest. Books and poems are read to the children to encourage language development and understanding of the written word.

Cooking – Simple cooking experiences develop many skills and concepts, as well as enriching the vocabulary. It also stimulates conversation and appreciation for group effort.

Math – Concepts of how many, more or less, small and large, big and little are introduced. Numerals 0 to 20 will be taught with emphasis on the concept of how many.

Letters and Sounds – We present a very basic instruction on how to print letters both in upper and lower case. Introduction to the phonetic uses of the alphabet will also be taught.

Computers – We offer computers with a large variety of skilled programs which are age appropriate. Since children’s perceptual skills mature greatly between the ages of 3 and 5, the computer training is geared to complement that development.

Cute little girl smiling at the camera